"Go Early..."
9:15AM. Day #2. Arriving at SUNY New Paltz for the second full day of four Section 9 Championship basketball games in New Paltz, NY on Sunday, March 8, 2009.*I am still winding down from the weekend's work, which actually all started Friday night after work to help a fellow staffer take down his two strobes he'd installed in a college gym for two games early in the tournament. (Ideally I like to work with four strobes encircling the court.) Followed by a 50 mile drive down the Thruway to borrow 2 more sets of Pocket-Wizard kits; including two PW Multi-Max units. (thanks again Rich!) It's all still kind of a blur right now, but I'm happy with the images produced over the two days of shooting.

Some of the gear I carted in included about 200' of orange extension cord, a few remaining feet of black gaffer's tape (I'm now out) and even the cheap Home-Depot gray crappy tape, too many lenses to remember, two Bogen-Manfrotto Magic Arms, 5 Super-Clamps, about a dozen Pocket-Wizards, a bunch of extra AA batteries for the PW's, one very large ladder provided at the college on Saturday morning, plenty of fresh chewing gum, and oh yea, a few packets of Tylenol Extra-Strength caplets I picked up with my mandatory ham & egg on a roll early Sunday morning on the way to college venue #2. I will post a slideshow of some of the best images from the weekend here in a bit. Stay tuned... -cg.
Why did you use 2 PW on your remotes? 1 to fire the camera and for the strobes. Did you put one in transmitter and the other in receiver? Thanks for the set up shots.