*Redford & Hoffman in the acclaimed 1976 Academy Award winning film by the same name...? No, not those two. In my case it's been more like Presidents Clinton, Bush (Sr. & Jr.), Obama, and others including VP Cheney, Hillary, Eric Holder (current AG), Gates (current Sec. of Defense), as well as various other commanding generals and high ranking government officials from Washington, who I've photographed in my career. Following General David Petraeus last week here in the area at two separate events, got me thinking about some of that coverage and the resulting images. Below is a slideshow highlighting some of those favorites from the past few years... ~cg.

*Use the arrow at the bottom left of the player or click the image to start the slideshow. Enable full screen viewing by clicking the 4-way arrow icon above the credits button at lower right of the player. Pause the portfolio slideshow in the right column by clicking the "II" pause button. There is no audio track with this presentation.
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